With more than 15 years of experience, Acusia is a company which sells thermal and acoustic insulators and construction materials, located in Malaga, south of Spain. Their warehouse offers a large range of material from waterproofing and roofing systems to rehabilitation services and plasterboard. Having this much experience and working with a variety of important clients in the industry, they required a website that promoted their brand at a high level. After finding DM Media Solutions by word of mouth, the construction of their website began.

During our consultation in person, we were informed that they already had a website, however, it was old and out of brand; not necessarily representing their brand at the level they wanted. They were also missing Google Analytics meaning they couldn’t monitor their traffic or marketing efforts.

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We decided to start from scratch with the re-design by using WordPress and Elementor. This allowed us to design a more professional website for the company, with the brand colours of navy and white, including subtle photos of their warehouses and office that we took from our visit to use in the background. We chose to design a new footer for the website as well, which included important information of the company; this way any customer that is viewing the website is able to access what they need instantly. 

After the redesign of the website, the business stated that they were happy with the look and feel of the website, that it appears more modern and clear. It resulted in a more efficient and enjoyable experience when customers viewed the website, as it’s organised in a simple but effective way. The traffic of the website has now increased and the SEO position on Google has improved also. 

If you want help to build your growth online and find the right customers for you, then go to our website www.dmmediasolutions.co.uk and book your online strategy session for free! You can also find out more about how else we may be able to help you by contacting us via email, WhatsApp, Facebook, or our support chat on our website.

Project Details

Acusia's Previous Website

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